Be a customer of Quickfish, free subscription fee, you will have your own China mailing address / office!
As soon as we get start to work, you will get a customer number and a free China address and China office which can help to a lot of works including receiving cargo, mail, supplier verification, company representative etc.
Below an example:
Company A, customer number: QF0258
China address: #QF0258, 1/F No.12, Lane 8, Xinhe Five Area , Fuyong Ave., Bao'an District, Shenzhen City, P.R.China 518103
Contact: Tom (Name of Your sole Customer Service Representative)
Tel: +86 755 8527 4099
You wil get the Chinese version as well which you can send to your supplier. With this sole Chinese address and custom service representitive, you will be able to focus on your main job and assign the others to Quickfish.